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Join Us for a Field Day!

Writer's picture: 3 Springs Land & Livestock3 Springs Land & Livestock

Spring is under way in the Kamas Valley, sometimes. Most years we seem to get decent spring rains or snows. Last year, 2021, we did not get any whatsoever and got a record-breaking heat wave in June. This year has been more common. Occasional snowstorms in late May is more like it at 6400 feet of elevation.

As many of you already know, one of our main missions is to educate anyone who is interested about thinking holistically, ecological/soil health, and sustainable ranching practices in the myriad of environments that exist in the Intermountain West. On Saturday June 18th, 2022 we will be holding a Field Day at 9:00 AM at 4300 Woodenshoe Ln Peoa, UT 84601. You are invited. We will be talking all about ecological and soil health, rotational grazing, biodiversity, and water usage in relation to drought. These topics are essential to living in Utah and we are sure you will love it. AND its free! So bring a friend. There is nothing like standing in a meadow and connecting with others. To register click here or the button below.

Spring also means chickens and this year we have chosen to scale our operation up significantly. At this very moment we have 252 chickens on pasture and approximately 262 chicks in a brooder. We are looking down the barrel of doing 1500 chickens this year. Pastured chicken means that a chicken has most of its life on fresh grass every day and gets to interact with the a natural environment. They scratch the Earth to find bugs, eat clovers, grasses and whatever else they desire. They also receive an Organic Non-GMO supplement that contains corn, wheat, oats, and soy. The fact that they eat plants creates a totally different flavor profile. It is some of the best chicken you will ever taste.

In order to achieve this scale, we have been pushing hard to build the infrastructure necessary to healthily raise these chickens. Farm infrastructure is one of the limiting factors to production agriculture. That infrastructure for us meant a mobile brooder, a structure called a chicken schooner, water infrastructure, and feed infrastructure.

A brooder is needed to raise baby chicks to a more resilient age(2-3 weeks) when they can be on pasture. The brooder needs to be a place with consistent feed, light, water, and food. We try our best to mimic a mama hen.

A chicken schooner is essential a robust high tunnel greenhouse on skids. This structure is moved everyday to new pasture and is capable withstanding winds and predators.

Water is always a limiting factor. Our most creative co founder, Mitch Dumke, has implemented an extraordinary water line with quick couplers that is pressurized to provide water to chickens 24/7.

Our final weak link at this point seems to be feed. We will need to haul feed to the pasture every day, but there are some plans to build a mobile feed buggy to reduce the time it takes to haul feed. A bulk feed buggy is essentially a room on wheels that will hold large amounts of feed to reduce the choring time.

Reducing the burn out tasks make ranching or farming more sustainable on your human capital. Which is arguably your most important resource. Protecting your labor forces’ quality of life is an investment you must make if you want to last as an enterprise.

We hope to see you at our field on June 18th. Its going to be a hoot. And don’t feel shy to reach out to us to try our chicken!

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